Mailbox Company Service Can Equal Economical Bulk Postage

If your business does a lot of mail outs and the postage rates in your country are high, chances are it costs you more money and time than it perhaps warrants.

Using a mail drop or mailbox company ie a commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA), in a country like Singapore where postage rates are quite low, may offer a neat and economical solution. To do this however the mail obviously needs to be posted from that country and you also need a return address there, which would be that of the CMRA.

Once you’ve set up an account with a mailbox company and you have a mail out to do, simply address the envelopes and then send them in a parcel to your CMRA with instructions to add a local stamp and return address then pop in the post for you. Certainly that would likely be the most economical way of doing it but some mailing services may also have a service that can do the whole job for you from print to post. Simply email them the artwork and mailing list for your mail out and they’ll either print them in-house for you or have it done locally and then post it all for you, complete with local postage stamp and return address. Or you could send them the already printed mailer and addresses to envelope and mail. The options are endless and would only depend on how much you feel like doing yourself or how much you want to pay.

This won’t be the only service the maildrop company can provide because many like TopOffice company Maildrop Costa Rica also offer emailing, scanning, dedicated telephone and fax services, mail forwarding and courier pickup / drop off. Latin America is such a great place to do business as well.